


更新:2023-08-29 00:17
I don't know what you've been told
But I'd be insane not to play my role
但是如果不能做我自己 我会疯掉
Yeah I know I can break or fold the stakes are low
我明白 我会崩溃 我会丧失理智 什么都有可能发生
If I could say one thing
Just know that I got a hand that I could lend you
我会让你知晓 我愿意助你一臂之力
And it don't matter when know I'll protect you
不论何时何地 我会保护你不受伤害
You can call on me I'm here whenever
一声呼唤 我就会来到你身边
You know two greater than one but five is better
两人合作总好过一人单打独斗 五个人组成团队更好
Just know that I got a hand that I could lend you
我会让你知晓 我愿意助你一臂之力
And it don't matter when know I'll protect you
不论何时何地 我会保护你不受伤害
You can call on me I'm here whenever
一声呼唤 我就会来到你身边
You know two greater than one but five is better
两人合作总好过一人单打独斗 五个人组成团队更好
Oh you think you tough huh
I think that's unlikely
You can keep on lookin' but can't find nobody like me
你可以找遍全世界 但你再也找不到像我这样优秀的人
El Dorado pushin' boy I'm fresher than a white tee
像凯迪拉克一样帅气 我为世界带来新鲜气息
You know I love you I need someone who can guide me
你知道我爱你 但我也需要有人指引
I can't do no lil' bag
Cash out
I need three mill
Shots comin' in both directions just like a BeReal
子弹从前后两边同时射来 好像在拍BeReal视频
I been eating good used to be lucky to get three meals
我现在吃香喝辣 以前走运才能一天吃三顿饭
First place run it up could care about what he feel
我轻松登顶 也许应该照顾一下别人的心情
'Cause I have you you you
Give you everything and anything you want
'Cause I have you you you
You're my everything and anything beyond
你就是我的一切 我的世界
Just know that I got a hand that I could lend you
我会让你知晓 我愿意助你一臂之力
And it don't matter when know I'll protect you
不论何时何地 我会保护你不受伤害
You can call on me I'm here whenever
一声呼唤 我就会来到你身边
You know two greater than one but five is better
两人合作总好过一人单打独斗 五个人组成团队更好
Just know that I got a hand that I could lend you
我会让你知晓 我愿意助你一臂之力
And it don't matter when know I'll protect you
不论何时何地 我会保护你不受伤害
You can call on me I'm here whenever
一声呼唤 我就会来到你身边
You know two greater than one but five is better
两人合作总好过一人单打独斗 五个人组成团队更好
Two one
Two one