Let It Go

Let It Go

James Bay

更新:2023-07-15 04:12
From walking home and talking loads
从一开始我们散步回家 互相倾诉心事烦恼
To seeing shows in evening clothes with you
再到我身穿晚礼服 陪你观看各种演出
From nervous touch and getting drunk
从第一次羞涩不安的触碰 毫无顾忌的大醉
To staying up and waking up with you
再到后来一起熬夜不睡 又相伴着睡梦中醒来
Now we're slipping near the edge
Holding something we don't need
All this delusion in our heads
Is gonna bring us to our knees
So come on let it go just let it be
就放手吧 就释怀吧 不必再强求
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
Everything that's broke leave it to the breeze
这一切的一切 都已分崩离析 就让它们随风而逝吧
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
And I'll be me
我 会回归真实的自我
From throwing clothes across the floor
从起初的意乱情迷 衣物散落一地
To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you
再到如今的撕咬拉扯 针锋相对 直至摔门而去
If this is all we're living for
Why are we doing it doing it doing it anymore
I used to recognize myself
曾经 我能清醒认识自身
It's funny how reflections change
可笑的是 我认定的那个我早已改变
When we're becoming something else
I think it's time to walk away
So come on let it go just let it be
就放手吧 就释怀吧 不必再强求
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
Everything that's broke leave it to the breeze
这一切的一切 都已分崩离析 就让它们随风而逝吧
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
And I'll be me
我 会回归真实的自我
Tryna fit your hand inside of mine
你竭力迎合我 贴近我的心
When we know it just don't belong
尽管心底清楚 我们注定没有结果
'Cause no force on earth could make it feel right no no
Tryna push this problem up the hill
When it's just too heavy to hold
尽管已沉重到 我无力支撑
I think now's the time to let it slide
我想 是时候放手了
So come on let it go just let it be
就放手吧 就释怀吧 不必再强求
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
Everything that's broke leave it to the breeze
这一切的一切 都已分崩离析 就让它们随风而逝吧
Let the ashes fall forget about me
任尘埃落定 忘了我吧
Come on let it go just let it be
就放手吧 就释怀吧 不必再强求
Why don't you be you and I'll be me
为何你不能洒脱自己 而我亦会找回曾经的自己
And I'll be me
我 会回归真实的自我
Ooh me you
你 我 各有人生