white roses (acoustic)

white roses (acoustic)

Greyson Chance

更新:2023-07-20 16:17
White roses on a pastel sky
绚烂的天空中 朵朵白云像极了玫瑰
Broken vows on our lips run dry
我们争得口干舌燥 誓言还是破灭了
I see you out with your friends you smile
我看到你和朋友一起出去 面带笑容
It's crazy how that feels I haven't slept in a while
这一切可真讽刺 我失眠了好一阵子
Haven't slept in a while
Haven't slept in a while while
Darling be careful with me
亲爱的 请小心爱护我
'Cause there's part of me that you don't know
Darling be gentle with me
亲爱的 当你准备离我而去时
When you tell me that you need to go
And if you should miss me don't call me
如果你想我了 别给我打电话
Don't tell me just leave me alone
也别告诉我 让我一个人待着
'Cause you cut me wide open
Left teardrops on all my white roses
眼泪一颗颗落下 滴在白玫瑰上
'Cause you cut me wide open
Left teardrops on all my white roses
眼泪一颗颗落下 滴在白玫瑰上
Same places on a Friday night
周五晚上 在老地方
Holding glances but we're tongue tied
我们看见对方 却相对无言
I'm with my friends and it's hard to smile
我和朋友们在一起 强颜欢笑
It's crazy how that feels I haven't slept in a while
这种感觉要把人逼疯 我失眠了好一阵子
Haven't slept in a while
Haven't slept in a while while
Darling be careful with me
亲爱的 请小心爱护我
'Cause there's part of me that you don't know
Darling be gentle with me
亲爱的 当你准备离我而去时
When you tell me that you need to go
And if you should miss me don't call me
如果你想我了 别给我打电话
Don't tell me just leave me alone
也别告诉我 让我一个人待着
'Cause you cut me wide open
Left teardrops on all my white roses
眼泪一颗颗落下 滴在白玫瑰上
'Cause you cut me wide open
Left teardrops on all my white roses
眼泪一颗颗落下 滴在白玫瑰上
I want to believe that maybe it's just emotion
我想告诉自己 这只是暂时的悲伤
But I cannot see my life without you those moments
So wild and free blinded by love devoted
无拘无束 自由自在 被爱蒙蔽了双眼 倾其所有
But now it's just me unspoken words white roses
如今 千言万语再难说出口 白玫瑰
White roses roses
White roses roses
Darling be careful with me
亲爱的 请小心爱护我
Darling be careful with me
亲爱的 请小心爱护我