


更新:2023-07-07 22:56
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
我听说你告诉你的朋友 说我不是你喜欢的类型
If that's how you really feel then why'd you call last night
如果你真的这样想 那昨晚你为何给我打电话
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that how you gonna lie like that
但你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
Yeah I heard you said I ain't the type for you
I don't regret it though I learned from it
不过我不难过 我从中吸取了教训
They should have you locked up for all the time you stole from us woo
你浪费了我们这么多时间 你应该被关起来
Took you out when I had no money
Only person that you ever cared about was you that's why it's so funny
你在乎的只有你自己 所以这事情就很搞笑了
You want somebody that'll keep you warm at night then
你想要一个人温暖你的夜 那么
Tell me why you actin' cold to me
告诉我 你为什么对我如此冰冷
You ain't the only one to blame no one the one that made you rich
不是你一个人的错 不 是我让你膨胀了
When I bought every lie you sold to me
Yeah heard you threw away the pictures
But you still got the memories of us so I guess
但我们之间的回忆你扔不掉 所以我觉得
I don't really make a difference
Flippin' through 'em in your head
Got you texting me all hours of the night
Yeah you told me that you needed distance
What's the deal with you
You say you want a man that keeps it real
Then why you mad when I get real with you
那我对你认真的时候 你为何不高兴了
You want someone to pay the bills for you
Went from failin' you now I feel for you liar
一开始我为你心动 如今我为你心痛 骗子
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
我听说你告诉你的朋友 说我不是你喜欢的类型
If that's how you really feel then why'd you call last night
如果你真的这样想 那昨晚你为何给我打电话
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that how you gonna lie like that
但你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
Look let me guess you want to stay friends
让我猜猜 你是不是想继续做朋友
Tellin' people that's how we been
Tellin' everybody that yeah that we was barely speakin'
Ah that's kinda funny why'd you call me every day then
有点搞笑 那你为何每天都给我打电话呢
It's immaturity you goin' off the deep end
幼稚 你无理取闹
You just want somebody you can chill and get some drinks with cool
你只是想找个人陪你玩 陪你喝酒 行吧
Then don't hit me on the weekend tellin' me
那周末就别找我 更别说什么
You missed the way we talked and now I listen yeah
你怀念我们聊天的氛围 喜欢我侧耳倾听的样子
Why you playin' with my mind huh
Why you playin' with my time huh
Told me we should let it go and put it all behind us
你说过 我们应该放下过去 大步向前
That's what I did now you askin' me what I done I was
所以我就这样做了 如今你却责怪我
Waitin' for this day I saw it comin'
我等这一天好久了 我知道这一天终将来临
I think you just like attention tryna tell me all your problems
我觉得你只是喜欢被人关注 想把你所有困难都告诉我
I got issues of my own I ain't got time for all this drama
但我也有自己的问题要处理 没时间跟你演这场戏
You told me that you don't really wanna talk then why you callin' huh
你说过不想和我谈 那为何你又打电话来了
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
我听说你告诉你的朋友 说我不是你喜欢的类型
If that's how you really feel then why'd you call last night
如果你真的这样想 那昨晚你为何给我打电话
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that how you gonna lie like that
但你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
How you gonna lie how you gonna lie like that
你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
Baby how you gonna lie how you gonna lie like that
宝贝 你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
How you gonna lie baby how you gonna lie like that
你要怎样撒这个谎 宝贝 你要怎样撒这个谎
No no how you gonna lie like that
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
我听说你告诉你的朋友 说我不是你喜欢的类型
If that's how you really feel then why'd you call last night
如果你真的这样想 那昨晚你为何给我打电话
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that how you gonna lie like that
但你要怎样撒这个谎 你要怎样撒这个谎
Tell me how you 'bout to lie like that
Tell me how you 'bout to lie like
Yeah yeah